I read recently that it's the maximum combination of 115 atoms that make up our entire living universe as we know it. What an impressive limitation of ingredients to make up the orchestra that is life.
It's currently 22:10 as we fly over the Gulf of Maine and head 44 degrees east. The vast stretch of the Atlantic greets us as we propel towards Heathrow. I’m looking forward to being home with Leila.
The cabin is quiet tonight. It's emptier than normal. Amidst the dimmed cabin lights, two screens flicker four rows away. The screens shout for the attention of an audience who seem rather intent on sleeping instead.
The cold stream of North Atlantic atoms flows around our ageing 747 aluminum airframe. A beautiful double-decker classic. The streaming white static lulls the passengers to sleep.
115. If this entire universe can be made by no more than 115 inputs, then one can’t help but think that we need less inputs in things we do, not more.